Built in 1903 and originally called the Grand Pacific Hotel, the structure’s name was later changed to The Kennedy Hotel. By the 1930s the building had become The Park Hotel. It was renovated in the 1990s and is now occupied by a retail store and The Park Place Apartments.

The Park Hotel in the 1970s.
click on image to visit flickr for full size original upload by fieldnine
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I still have a t-shirt with “the Park Hotel- Montana’s number one dive”
Must be a piece of history.
I have one of those also, lol.
The house band, led by Gary Munden, played music covering anything from Eric Burden & the Animals to Roy Orbison.
Yes, Live Wire Choir also played there once too. I wish someone had taken pics of the interior.
What ever happened to Gary Mundon:
Gary and Jim Wolfe dressed in black one night, a couple shots of tequila later they pulled off a robbery. Something they both fantasized doing after watching a movie. They broke into a gas station in Stevensville, stealing a few tools. Gary and Jim went home to gather their girlfriends and Garys dog Bonzo hoping they would participate in the activity. They of course declined, even Bonzo stayed home.
Gary and Jim broke into the Ravaili County drug store, entering through a sky light, a silent alarm went off notifying the sheriff, Tracy Tucker who called the drug store owner and pharmacist, Allen Kelly.
They met outside the drug store, late at night. Both of them were armed. Mr. Kelly was up early anyway, it was around three AM. he was going hunting. He made his own bullets.
Gary and Jim were sitting on the floor, behind the drug counter going through a PDR. Mr. Tucker surprised them pointing his weapon and placing them under arrest. They submitted, lying prone on the floor. Jim was being handcuffed. Gary being the wild and crazy guy that he was apparently decided he could wrestle the sheriff. Thats when Allen Kelly shot him in the head. Neither Gary or Jim ever knew Kelly was there.
The plot thickens.
Jim Wolfs is given one phone call. He calls Emily Loring, his girlfriend Judys mother. She was an attorney practicing in Great Falls. He tells her about the entire evening, including the first robbery. She tells him to shut his mouth and not repeat what he just told her. She was on her way. She helped him get rid of the evidence from the first crime. She advised him to get out of town and not be available for the subpoena.
And don’t you suppose that worked out so very well for Ravalli County. Mr. Kelly not being a deputy and all.
Why Jim boy ran for the hills, and the inquest was a walk in the park. No one was there to speak for Gary. Just Kelly and Tucker who claimed Kelly rushed forward, shouted for Mundon to freeze or he was a dead man. Mundon continued to struggle so Kelly discharged his firearm. A member of the inquest did ask in Garys behalf why kelly had aimed for the head. Kelly said he was not trained in firearms. Right. The truth be known, Kelly shot Gary without saying BOO. Neither Gary or Jim ever knew he was there until after the gun went off and, well by that time it was too late for Gary. I attended the inquest, it was a debacle.
Jim Wolf never even got his hands slapped for either of the burglaries. Alan Kelly shot a man in the head and walked away a hero. Tracy Tucker mysteriously left town. Emily Loring succeeded in keeping her daughter Judys name out of the paper and Judy is now an attorney in the state of Montana, possibly Stevensville. Last but not least Durinda, Garys girlfriend, never has gotten over it. She was treated like trash when she went to retrieve Garys belongings. Actually, Durinda was stopped by Tucker before he left town, she was driving Garys van in Stevensville. Tucker stopped her to apologize, he was terribly sorry and did not know why Alan Kelly had to do what he did.
Garys children, Sari and Rachael were too young to remember their dad. Bonzo was run over years later crossing a road in Big Fork.
So that is what happened to Gary Mundon.
Gary died at a very young age. He was not a drug addict.
I was just mentioning the odd death of Gary Munden on a Facebook page about Missoula. I works at KGVO at the time and I remember being told that when Kelly shot Gary the bullet ricocheted 2 times and landed right in the shirt pocket of Kelly without hurting him. So there was a dead Gary and the evidence right in the shooters pocket! Pretty weird…
He was a complete drug addict, why else would he rob drug store, why would he do this to his two wonderfull children that my wife and i helped raise. None of garys freinds including judy, jim wolf, durinda, and others ever once lifted a finger to help us raise his chidren. Too bad they also did not get shot. What worthless bunch of crap, every one of them, nice bunch of freinds you fucks!
I can’t say whether or not my father was an addict. Obviously liked to dabble at the very least, which lead to some questionable judgement calls. At any rate, does anyone out there know if Allen Kelly or Tracy Tucker are still alive? Doesn’t seem likely, but I wonder…..
I have some sketches from an artist named Smith who drew a tribute sketch to Gary Munden who is standing in front of the Flamingo Lounge. Would you know who the artist is?
i was in a band called “the oso family” we played the flamingo for 2 weeks in october of 1972….